Frenectomies - Tongue & Lip Ties


A frenum is a small piece of tissue that attaches either the upper lip to the gum tissue or the tongue to the floor of the mouth.


What Is the Problem?


In some children, this frenum is attached too tightly and can pull on the lips or tongue causing issues such as:

  • tongue-tie
  • problems nursing
  • speech issues
  • trouble eating or drinking
  • cause pulling on the gums around teeth that can create a periodontal issue as your child ages


Sometimes this condition is called a Tongue-Tie or Lip Tie, Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs), or a Restricted Lip or Tongue.


How Do I Know My Child Needs a Frenectomy?


Dr. June is specialized in assessing the proper growth, development, and anatomy of children at each stage of growth, from infancy into adulthood. She will have you fill out a very specific age-appropriate questionnaire and then will do an examination of the oral tissues. After reviewing the patient’s symptoms, parent’s symptoms, and the child’s mouth, Dr. June will let you know if a frenectomy is indicated.


What Is the Frenectomy?


During a frenectomy (tongue-tie release or lip tie release as they are sometimes called), Dr. June uses a laser to make a small incision in the frenum, allowing for greater movement of the lips or tongue. A simple procedure that can be done in office. The incision site usually heals in two weeks with little to no discomfort.


Post Op Exercises


Following a Frenectomy, you help the surgical area heal better by performing exercises four times a day for two weeks. Dr. June and her team will review with you specific age-appropriate exercises that she will want you to complete and show you how to do them.


Follow Up Visit


Dr. June likes to see the patient back one or two weeks after the procedure to check how the surgical area is healing, to modify exercises if needed, and to hear about how much improvement the child has made.
